
April Posts

Quality of Service

Rohith Perumalla | 4/2/18

This past week I’ve been learning about congestion in Quality of Service. Quality of Service is the measurement of the overall performance of a service, such as a telephony or a computer network or cloud computing service, specifically the performance experienced by the users of the network. To ensure there is a high quality of service, there are various different types of services implemented that incorporate different algorithms to ensure that there is minimal delay in data. One of the main contributors to a lower quality of service is congestion in network traffic. Two of the major sources of network congestion is when there are multiple lines of communication converging and being aggregated on a single device; another situation where congestion can get worse is when large data packets prohibit smaller data packets from traveling in a timely manner. 3 typical congestion points are the point of aggregation, a point of a speed mismatch, or a point where the network switches from a high bandwidth LAN to a lower bandwidth WAN. These congestions can cause various types of delays, they are either fixed delays or variable delays. The variation of delay between the packets is known as jitter. Overall, learning about congestion has allowed me to get a better understanding of what can cause consumers issues when requesting data and how a network design should be approached to minimize a customers issues.