Rohith Perumalla | 9/11/2016 Download Post
“System.out.println("Hello World.");” is what most programmers type in the beginning. I’m elated to welcome you to my blog and its beginning. These past 3 weeks have been busy I’ve learned the basics of professionalism, public speaking, proper suit etiquette; I’ve compiled a list of over 30 contacts for possible research interviews; and I’ve developed my digital portfolio. I have worked on my professionalism and public speaking skills with my fellow peers through handshaking exercises, 30-50 second mini-interviews, and an introductory speech. Through these exercises I’ve been able to fine tune my handshake, and improve my communication skills and eye contact while speaking. From a presentation and research I learned about proper professional dress etiquette and what it encompasses.While looking at and researching the local tech companies I compiled a list of professionals that could be potential research interviewees. After extensively trying out a variety website building services including Wix, Weebly, Wordpress, and blogger I realized no website builder would offer the level of customization and versatility I wanted. I continued to research for other website domain services and builders I found Github, a service I was already familiar with due to its functionality as a cloud code service from my past group computer science endeavors; however, I discovered a hidden feature, its ability to host a repository as a website. I then proceeded to begin developing this digital portfolio’s HTML implementing modified CSS and JS frameworks from Roman Kirichik's Rhythm Project. I also researched the future of computer engineering (Read More) and created my mission statement and chose my quote (Seen Here). I am still currently planning out this year but am excited for what is to come.
This is the beginning.