
Data ... Transfer and Structures

Rohith Perumalla | 10/16/2016 Download Post

This week I've been learning about Ethernet, networking with more professionals, learned about data structures, and have worked on updating my digital portfolio. I’ve been studying the different parts of the “data-link” layer of the OSI model and how it affects the transfer of data. I’ve looked at the sublayers in the “data-link” layer, Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control (MAC), learning about how the LLC works with the MAC to ensure data requested successfully reaches the host. Another part of networking I learned about was the Cyclic Redundancy Check, a part of the frame of a piece of data that is checked at every location intermediary device and media transfer to ensure the integrity of the data. Also this week I had the pleasure of meeting with the Mr.Reiter the Chief Revenue Officer of Alive Digital, an Internet Marketing Service based in Dallas, TX. I enjoyed meeting Mr.Reiter and look forward to meeting him again. Later this week I researched about abstract data structures and learned about the different types and analyzed their best functions.(Read More) What I found really fascinating about abstract data structures was their flexibility and their potential to be specialized depending on the problem needing to be solved. I’ve been working on my digital portfolio, I’ve been looking into incorporating more social media buttons, and more ways for my portfolio to connect with other types of media. I hope to have twitter share buttons for all my posts and research in the coming weeks. Overall this week I have been busy learning about networks, working on my networking, and learning about abstract data structures.